Focus Topics in 2024:


Vehicle to Grid & Bidirectional Charging ASEAN   |   Regulatory Rules   |   New Roaming Solutions and Efficient Charging Payment Methods   |      
Charging Infrastructure   |   Production of EVs   |   E-Mobility in ASEAN


Vehicle-to-Grid Strategy in Thailand   |   Production of EVs   |   Charging Infrastructure   |   Bidirectional Charging   |   
Electrification of 2-Wheelers   |   E-Mobility in ASEAN and Thailand   |   Efficient Charging Payment Methods

Topics in 2023 were:

Charging Infrastructure ASEAN   |   New technical challenges for charging and batteries   |   Electrification of two and three wheelers   |   
Developping of a local standarized charging technlology   |   Roaming and charging   |   Megawatt Charging   |   Wireless Battery   |   Vehicle to grid

Wortwolke ASEAN 2023